
Welcome to Danny's Web journal

Tuesday March 24, 2020.

The reason why I had joined this course is because I want to learn about computer science and to also get a feel of how to use programing becuase I want to become a Video Game Designer.

Graphics Card

A Graphics card helps the resolution and graphics of the PC and is mainly useful for games.

Mother Board

The Motherboard is the heart of the computer and connects in some way to everything.


Ram (Random Access Memory) holds data in software thats currently running in the computer.

Power Supply

The Power Supply supplies power to the computer needs and all the wires in the PC are connected to it.

clickable text

Thursay April, 17, 2020

I was born on 10, 17, 2003

I was born on 1010, 10001, 11111010011 as a binary

I was born on A, 11, 7D3 as a hex

HEX Game

Toady me and my class had tried out a Website called Code.org which was pretty fun and challenging at the same time and I had fun doing it.


Today me and some of my classmates had continued to work on Code.org

Today me and my classmates had did work work for the last time on Code.org


-Its been a while but for a bout two weeks now me and my classmates have been working on making apps and I am currently working on one that you can drag and get points on.

My interactive app

My Artwork from Code.org

Art from code.org

June 4, 2020

Today was the last day in my Computer Science Class and we had worked on an animation activity called Parting Clouds.

Challenge: Parting Clouds